Fundraising for the Association – The 200 Club


The 200 Club provides an easy way to support the work of the Association, with the possibility of winning one of three prizes every month, and a bonus £100 prize at Christmas. Currently it raises about £1,000 for the Association every year.

To take part, members are invited to set up a Standing Order using internet banking to the Sort Code 80-08-16 and the Account Number 00781357. Please use your SRA Membership Number as the Reference. If you would prefer, please request a paper Standing Order mandate from the co-ordinator.

You can make payments monthly, quarterly, or annually. The draw takes place at the end of each month, and if you pay less frequently, then your payments are spread over the months until your next payment. So, for example, if you choose to pay £15 quarterly, this will be treated as three monthly payments of £5. If you wish to pay other than monthly, then please send an email describing your payments, to the co-ordinator.

Of the total value of all the subscriptions allocated to each month, half goes to fund the work of the Association. The rest is paid as prizes to subscribers, chosen at random. Your chance of winning in any month depends on the size of your contribution. So, if you donate £20 each month, you have four times the chance of winning as someone who donates £5 per month. Prizes are normally sent by bank transfer or can be posted, as cheques, to your most recent address held by the Association.

If you have any questions about the 200 Club, then do not hesitate to contact the Co-ordinator.

200 Club Co-ordinator

Roderick McLeod, Kinnaird, Nethy Bridge, PH25 3DS

Email: 200club @ uk

Telephone: 07713 4700008